Here is a recording of my talk entitled “The Business of You – 10 Steps To Run Your Life And Career Like A Business” from CONDG on 9/27/12. Thanks to Jeff Miller for the recording. Enjoy!
Lately I’ve been thinking about a whole team approach to testing, where we decide as a team how features will be tested and where we use the skillsets of the whole team to automate testing. We do this on our project, and this has led to a regression testing suite of ~2500 SpecFlow acceptance tests that automate almost all scripted QA testing and regression testing for our application.
We didn’t always do this. Originally there was no automated acceptance testing, but developers were diligently writing unit tests. Those unit tests are still around, but we don’t write many unit tests anymore. We start with acceptance tests now, and the acceptance tests cover all of the testing scenarios that need to be covered. Our application has well-defined design patterns that we follow, so the idea of TDD driving the design of our code doesn’t really apply. If the unit tests fail, we often just delete them because it’s not worth fixing all of the mocks in the unit tests that are causing them to fail, and we have acceptance testing coverage around all of it.
This approach does not line up with the conventional wisdom on automated testing. They say that you’re supposed to write lots of unit tests that run really fast to give you fast feedback, help design your code, and ensure the internal quality of your code. In the past, this is how I’ve always done it. In fact, many of them dislike Cucumber.
Cucumber makes no sense to me unless you have clients reading the tests. Why would you build a test-specific parser for English?
— DHH (@dhh) March 29, 2011
While TDD isn’t as mainstream as I would like, TDD is nothing new. Kent Beck was writing about it 10 years ago, and the original XP guys valued such things as unit testing, the SOLID principles, and things like that.
Automated acceptance testing still feels like a relatively new phenomenon. I’m sure people were doing it 10 years ago, but back then we didn’t have Cucumber and SpecFlow and the Gherkin language. Now I see a lot more people using tools like that to automate QA testing in way that uses business language and more maintainable code, rather than the old “enterprise” solutions like QTP.
Here’s what I’m getting at – I wasn’t there 10 years ago when Kent Beck was writing his books and the XP movement was starting, but it seems to me to be primarily an effort by developers to ensure the quality of their code through the effort of developers. I see very little talk of where QA fits into that process. There is some mention of QA for sure, but the general gist seems to be that developers need to write tests in order to ensure quality, and the best way to do that is to write unit tests. QA people typically don’t say that unit testing is enough because it doesn’t test end-to-end, so then what do they do? Manually test? Use QTP?
My question is this – if we think of testing as whole-team activity and not just a QA activity or a developer activity, will we arrive at the same conclusions as we did before?
I’m not ready to discount unit testing as a valuable tool, and I’m also not ready to say that everyone should do it my way because it worked for us on one project. But we have largely abandoned unit testing in favor of acceptance testing, and other teams in our department are doing it too. I write unit tests for things like extension methods and some classes that have important behavior on their own and I want to ensure that those classes work independent of the larger system.
We have 3 Amigos meetings in which one of the things we do is develop a set of acceptance tests for a feature before any code is written. We usually decide at this point (before any code is written) that most or all of these scenarios will be automated. We write the acceptance tests in SpecFlow, I watch them all fail, and them I write the code to make them pass. I follow the patterns and framework that we have set up in our application, so there aren’t many design decisions to make. When my acceptance tests pass, I am done.
Where do unit tests fit in there? If my acceptance tests pass, then I’m done, so why spend more time writing duplicate tests? Also, with acceptance tests, I’m not dealing with mocks, and more importantly, I’m not fixing broken unit tests because of broken mocks. If you follow the Single Responsibility Principle (which we try to do), you end up with lots of small classes, and unit tests for those classes would be mostly useless because those classes do so little that it’s hard to write bugs and each class does such a small part of the larger activity.
There is an obvious trade-off here – my acceptance tests are not fast. I’m just testing web services (no driving a browser), so all ~2500 tests will run in about an hour. But we accepted this trade-off because we were able to get things done faster by just writing the acceptance tests, which we were going to do anyway to automate QA testing. The end result is high quality software with few bugs, not just because we have tests, but also because we communicate as a team and decide on the best way to test each feature and what it is that needs to be tested, and then we find the best way to automate the testing as a team.
Again, I’m not ready to say that this way is the best way for every project, and I’ve seen each approach work extremely well. I just wonder if the conventional wisdom on testing would be the same if we thought of it from the perspective of the whole team.
About Me

I am a technical leader and software developer in Columbus, OH. Find out more here...