Going independent
Three years ago, my three year plan was to go off on my own as an independent consultant. Well, it’s year 3 and the time has come to make it happen.
For the past four years, I have worked at Quick Solutions and I have loved it. I came into Quick Solutions never having done ASP.NET and ended up getting all kinds of experience in all kinds of different technologies. I never could’ve learned as much as I did and I certainly would not be in this spot today if it weren’t for all of the really smart people that I got to work with.
So what am I going to be doing now? I’m still going to be leading a .NET project for Quick Solutions. There will be plenty of blogging and I have some side business ideas to work on. You will most likely see plenty of me at various community events, lunches, code and coffee, and whatever else is going on.
I don’t know what the future will hold, but I always remember the line in Good Will Hunting where Robin Williams says that he’s going to put his money on the table and see what cards he’ll get. I’m really looking forward to it.
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