If you’re a developer, you probably aren’t extensively involved with requirements gathering, but they affect you dramatically because you have to read requirements and turn them into code. So how would you like to have requirements written so that you have all the details that you need to implement the feature and easily write acceptance tests (hopefully automated)?
I have ideas but only some answers, which is why we’re talking about this on Thursday at the Columbus ATDD Developers Group. We’ll be talking about questions like these, among other things:
- How can we structure our requirements to help us come up with our acceptance criteria?
- What requirements should we have other than our acceptance criteria?
- What can we do to help BAs make sure that they have all of the details that we need to write tests and write the code?
It’s a fishbowl discussion so we all get to figure it out together. I think it will be fun. I feel like there are some dots that I’m having trouble connecting when it comes to requirements gathering so hopefully we’ll turn on some light bulbs.
The meeting will be Thursday, August 2 from 11:30-12:30 at the Quick Solutions office, 440 Polaris Pkwy., Suite 500 in Westerville. Please RSVP so that we know how many people are coming.