UPDATE: this was written before the advent of the new wave of JavaScript frameworks (Angular, Backbone, Ember, etc.). While I have moved on from using my home grown framework to these other more robust frameworks, I still agree with the concepts here, specifically that I should be able to test as much of the behavior of my UI by having a thin layer between my code and the DOM.
If you’ve tried to write JavaScript using TDD and your JavaScript deals with DOM elements, I’m guessing you’ve felt some pain. The toughest thing about writing tests against JavaScript is separating the HTML elements and the page from the JavaScript code. In the past when I’ve done this, I’ve created JavaScript classes and either passed UI elements into the constructor or by calling a method. So in the real page, I’ll have code that looks like this:
var myClass = new MyClass(document.getElementById('blah'));
Then in my test class, I do something like this:
module("MyClass tests");
test("Test something", function()
var element = new Object();
var myClass = new MyClass(element);
This works fine since JavaScript is a dynamic language, I can put any property on the “element” variable and then write tests against it, checking various properties that I know will get set on the real element (like “innerHTML”, for example).
Here’s the problem with this: if you’re writing tests first, you’re not sure what kind of elements you are going to have in the UI. Maybe “innerHTML” will get set on my element, or maybe “value”, or maybe something else. I just don’t know because I haven’t written the UI yet.
What I need it something that wraps the HTML element so that I can just call a function like getValue() and get the value, which may come from “value” in some cases, “innerHTML” in other cases, etc., depending on what kind of UI element I have.
jQuery to the rescue!
It turns out that we already have something that will wrap UI elements — jQuery. Using jQuery, we can search for elements by type (e.g. DIV, A, TR, etc.), class, or id. This works something like this:
var elements = $(‘.MyCssClass’);
This returns all elements that have the MyCssClass class applied to them. But it doesn’t return the actual elements, it returns a wrapper around the HTML element. It also turns out that said wrapper has functions like val(), html(), and text() that I can use to get the values! Just what I needed.
But I still have a problem. If I’m trying to test code that deals with 20 different UI elements, that means that I am going to have to inject 20 UI elements or test doubles into my JavaScript code. This is both ugly and painful.
A simpler abstraction
JSView is an abstraction layer that sits between your JavaScript code and jQuery/HTML so that you can write tests for your JavaScript code without having the actual page and the DOM available in a test. Instead of calling jQuery methods directly, you will call methods that will interact with jQuery in your app, but will interact with a fake replacement for jQuery in your tests. Not only that, JSView will generate methods for you so that you can easily access values and events in a readable fashion. This will allow you to truly TDD your object-oriented JavaScript before the actual page even exists!
Now I can write object-oriented JavaScript classes that look something like this:
function Calculator(element, view)
if (view == null)
view = new jQueryView('Calculator', element);
registerObjectProperties(this, view, ['FirstValue', 'SecondValue', 'Result', 'AddButton']);
this.addValues = function()
this.setResult(Number(this.getFirstValue()) + Number(this.getSecondValue()));
Now I can write JavaScript unit tests that look like this (and without the DOM in place!):
module('When the Add button is clicked',
setup: function()
calculator = new Calculator(null, new ViewTestDouble());
test('Then it should add the values in the first two textboxes and put the result in the third textbox', function()
equals(calculator.getResult(), 5.5);
More details can be found here. The source code is up on github. I’ve been using and refining this for two years and I’m really liking how it’s turned out. I’m very interested in any feedback that you all might have, I’ve done a lot of JavaScript over the years but I’m not quite the JavaScript ninja that some other people are.
So get busy and write some tests!