TDD Immersion – 1/2 day of TDD in .NET, for free!
TDD Immersion is a half-day session where we’ll cover what you need to know to do TDD on real .NET projects. We’ll go over stuff like:
- How to write tests first
- How to refactor your code to make it easier to test
- Mocking frameworks like Rhino Mocks
- Dependency injection – what it is, how it works, and how to set it up in your project
- TDD tips and tricks
We’ll also walk through a sample ASP.NET MVC web app and show you how you might set up an actual project, work with ORMs and data access layers, set up your test projects, and make things easy to test.
This will take place on April 21 from 8:30-12 at the Microsoft office on Polaris Parkway in Columbus. We’ll have food and drinks for breakfast, so show up a little early to get something to eat. We’ll start promptly at 8:30.
If you plan on coming I need you to register so that we make sure that we have enough room and food for everyone.
We won’t be doing any hands-on coding this time, so you don’t need to bring your laptops. There is no wireless access at the Microsoft office.
I wont be able to attend in person, but if it is possible for the presentation to be recorded and hosted somewhere, it would be just great…
I believe will host the video for you.