Using Cucumber for unit tests… why not?
It seems that the accepted way to test in Ruby is to use Rspec for unit tests and to use Cucumber for acceptance tests (higher level functional testing). After doing a little bit of Cucumber, I’ve started to fall in love with the format of Cucumber tests.
Most Rubyists would probably agree that behavior-driven development is good (in other words, writing tests in a Given/When/Then format). We obviously do this in Cucumber (there isn’t much choice), but I’ve also written tests in this format in Rspec and in .NET.
I like BDD for two main reasons. First, I believe that software development is a series of translations. I want to translate business requirements into readable, executable specifications, then translate that into tests, then translate that into implementation code. Second, before I implement a feature and even before I write my tests, I try to write out what I want the code to do in English. If I can’t write out what I want to do in English, how and I supposed to know what I’m supposed to write in code?
Here’s my theory: if we agree that BDD is good, why don’t we write our unit tests in a format that is more amenable to BDD, that being the Cucumber format of tests? I’m not saying that we write acceptance level tests instead of unit tests, I’m saying that maybe we should write unit tests in a different format. Not only that, Cucumber tables give us a nice way to write more readable, data-driven tests. Here are a couple examples from the supermarket pricing kata (in Rspec and Cucumber).
Feature: Checkout
Scenario Outline: Checking out individual items
Given that I have not checked anything out
When I check out item -
Then the total price should be the
of that item
| item | unit price |
| "A" | 50 |
| "B" | 30 |
| "C" | 20 |
| "D" | 15 |
Scenario Outline: Checking out multiple items
Given that I have not checked anything out
When I check out
Then the total price should be the of those items
| multiple items | expected total price | notes |
| "AAA" | 130 | 3 for 130 |
| "BB" | 45 | 2 for 45 |
| "CCC" | 60 | |
| "DDD" | 45 | |
| "BBB" | 75 | (2 for 45) + 30 |
| "BABBAA" | 205 | order doesn't matter |
| "" | 0 | |
Scenario Outline: Rounding money
When rounding "" to the nearest penny
Then it should round it using midpoint rounding to ""
| amount | rounded amount |
| 1 | 1 |
| 1.225 | 1.23 |
| 1.2251 | 1.23 |
| 1.2249 | 1.22 |
| 1.22 | 1.22 |
require 'spec_helper'
describe "Given that I have not checked anything out" do
before :each do
@check_out =
[["A", 50], ["B", 30], ["C", 20], ["D", 15]].each do |item, unit_price|
describe "When I check out an invididual item" do
it "The total price should be the unit price of that item" do
@check_out.scan(item) == unit_price
[["AAA", 130], # 3 for 130
["BB", 45], # 2 for 45
["CCC", 60],
["DDD", 45],
["BBB", 75], # (2 for 45) + 30
["BABBAA", 205], # order doesn't matter
["", 0]].each do |items, expected_total_price|
describe "When I check out multiple items" do
it "The total price should be the expected total price of those items" do
individual_items = items.split(//)
individual_items.each { |item| @check_out.scan(item) } == expected_total_price
class RoundingTester
include Rounding
[[1, 1],
[1.225, 1.23],
[1.2251, 1.23],
[1.2249, 1.22],
[1.22, 1.22]].each do |amount, rounded_amount|
describe "When rounding an amount of money to the nearest penny" do
it "Should round the amount using midpoint rounding" do == rounded_amount
A couple things stand out to me when you compare these two. First, if I want to run data-driven tests with different values, the Cucumber syntax is so much cleaner and more descriptive. Second, the “Given I have not checked anything out” section in the Rspec version is really long and contains two nested “describe” sections (many times you end up with many more than this). When you nest sections like this, it’s really hard to see the context of things or read the tests because the “Given” text is nowhere near the nested “When” sections in the code.
Rspec follows in the footsteps of previous unit testing frameworks that write test methods in test classes (or in the case of Rspec, something that resembles test classes and methods. But is this the best way, or just the way that we’re used to? We have been writing unit tests this way for years and years because we had no other choice. But that doesn’t mean that it’s the best way.
Here are the benefits I see of using the Cucumber syntax over Rspec:
- The tests are much easier to read (especially when doing data-driven “scenario outline” tests).
- The Given/When/Then text is all in one place (as opposed to spread out and mixed in with code).
- It forces me to be able to write out in English what I want the code to do.
- Any step definition that I write can easily be reused anywhere in any other Cucumber test.
- The code just looks cleaner. I’ve seen a lot of messy Rspec tests.
- Rspec doesn’t have a method that corresponds to the “When” step (unless I’m missing something), so you have to shoehorn it into before(:each) or the “it” method. (I’m not sure why this is, we figured this out in the .NET world long ago.)
To be fair, there are more BDD-friendly flavors of Rspec (like rspec-given). This helps you write tests in Given/When/Then format, but I still feel like all of the underscores and symbols and syntax is getting in the way of the actual test verbiage.
Favoring Cucumber is my personal preference and I know that there are some people that would probably disagree with my opinion on this, and that’s fine. But I’m really enjoying what Cucumber brings to the table, both in terms of functionality and the syntax.
RSpec examples can be quite clean if you understand the tools at your disposal. Here’s how I’d do the checkout examples:
It’s a translation of the test/unit tests on, but has the added benefit that each of the “calculating totals” examples runs separately, so you get more granular feedback as you go through the kata.
It’s admittedly not GWT, but GWT is not a requirement of BDD in my view: it’s just a mechanism to nudge you in the right direction.
Hi Jon,
I definitely agree with you with that. Even RSpec is cleanly written like David has done, cucumber still shines.
Have you done more unit testing through cucumber by the way in your projects etc.?
I’m not currently doing unit tests in Cucumber on my current project just because we’ve been using RSpec and I want to keep things consistent. But if I were doing a new project, I would have more Cucumber unit tests.
Hi John- I am looking for a place to get Cucumber certification. Do any of the training companies in Columbus offer it?
Thanks- Ray
I have been reading about Cucumber for the past two days. Every web-article I have read describes creating applications (mostly Ruby on Rails) from the ground up using Cucumber. I have yet to find a single article that even hints at using Cucumber to test any aspect of an existing RoR application.
I’m interested to know if you are aware of anyone who has taken a completed RoR application and then started to test it, in an ongoing manner, using Cucumber. From what I understand, it would be a very challenging process to create scenarios to match the existing application functions. (Then there would be the added challenge of going to the end user and getting their input.)
If you are aware of any articles about using Cucumber to test an application that is already complete, but was developed without Cucumber, I would appreciate receiving links to them.
Thank you,
~ Allen
Actually Cucumber works great for existing applications because you’re testing from the outside by driving a web browser, calling a web service, etc. It doesn’t matter if the code being tested is horrible because you’re just testing through the interface. The approach to testing is pretty much the same for testing new applications as it is for existing applications.
Hello Jon,
would be able to “hook me up” with a good tutorial that shows Cucumber driving a web browser? In the past two days of web surfing research I have not encountered a single reference to such testing with Cucumber. The only articles I have found are discussing application development from ground zero with Cucumber.
I appreciate your response,
~ Allen
Testing legacy code:,mod=10&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
Selenium and Watir are two tools you can use to drive a browser.
Here’s a good book to help you out:
Hello Jon,
Your suggestions are appreciated.
I am now back on the research trail.
~ Allen
Hi Jon,
And, after 2 years any new thoughts or experience on this topic? Still a relevant question/observation and after having done some Cucumber work I also think that cucumber might be very help full in specifying at unit test level.
An update would be very much appreciated.
Kind regards,
I have a question about low level testing with BDD & gherkin. How do you map the classes/interfaces and methods to features and scenarios in order to generate a documentation? Is there a best practice?
The documentation for Behat (a Cucumber implementation for PHP) says that you should *only* be writing specs for business needs. If you abstracted your application into layers, though, then each layer could be considered a ‘stakeholder’ that specifies ‘business requirements’ for the lower layer to fulfill. Then you just pretend that you are, for example, a stakeholder called ‘domain layer’ that is specifying some business requirements for the ‘persistence layer’ to fulfill.
Thoughts? I don’t think this is stretching the concept too far, although the people who invented BDD seem to think it is, so that gives me pause.
I just wanted to share my experience. I think unit testing and behavior driven should be separated, and you could used for both the language of your choice. However, if you mix them you run the risk of compromising your project. I never shared with my team what I think but just flow with them and just adjusted, because everyone is facing the same problem. But they have written the internal implementation so many ways as they loved it. So during testing, somethings works for somethings and not for others. Some things work partially for some things. So others do not work very well, etc. (Think of all the combinations) I had assumed they have compromised their unit testing, not the fault of the tester. Specially your new testers, if you need help they can face difficulties. They say used this step, but it doesn’t work. Then they say used this one and it doesn’t either. Until, you find some step that work for some portion of a component, and another that was intended for similar functionality you have to used another step. Other experience tester will say used this one, others another one. You can gain both the perception of disagreement and agreement at some point. Another thing I saw is that is very difficult to the long tests. At the end your application can have bugs that are not covered, and the team is pushing to pass the test. At least the most important implementations.
Here I have found support for what I am saying.
It’s 2019, and this topic is still relevant. I’m currently started to implement Cucumber in the project and I tried to write unit tests(not only integration) in Cucumber too. First time it was hard to write test, using mocks. But after several tests, it became same as writing by JUnit. And suddenly, it became more pleasant to write Unit tests with Cucumber.
Conclusion: I think we will use Cucumber for unit tests also.